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Seminar in BELGIPRODOR, Republic of Belarus

A training seminar was held in the Republic of Belarus, December 20, 2017.

Specialists of the company LLC "Enterprise PIK" conducted on-site professional counseling of partners in the Republic of Belarus, which took place on the territory of "Belgiprodor" at the address: Minsk, ul. Surganova, 28.

The presentation was conducted by the specialists of the company LLC Enterprise PIK

  • Leading engineer-designer: Ivanov A.

  • Head of the Commonwealth of Independent States: Kuzmin I.

The seminar is aimed at the staff of the project department, the training is aimed at demonstrating the construction of a modern and safe road using road safety fences: barrier W-shaped и and C-shaped in accordance with GOST and the certified standard of the organization, the use of cable fences.

A seminar was also held to exchange experience of Russian and Belarusian projects on road barriers.

Здание Белавтодор, Минск, Сурганова, 28


Белавтодор конференц зал, обучение и обмен опытом по барьерным и тросовым ограждениям

Презентация предприятия ПИК

Белавтодор конференц зал, обучение и обмен опытом по барьерным и тросовым ограждениям

Пред новогоднее обучение в Минск

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